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The Basic for ALL
Designed to stimulate interest for numbers, this introductory programme serves to build up a child’s foundation in numerical calculations. It does not matter if your child does not know how to write numbers; as long as he/she can hold pencil, he/she will be guided on how to write and perform simple mental calculations with ease within 9 months.
Once your child is familiar with numbers, he/she will be exposed to number bonds of 5 and 10. This sets the foundation for remembering formulae, which are necessary for performing calculations of any digits using the abacus.
As your child progresses, he/she will also be trained to perform simple addition and subtraction using his/her mental arithmetic abilities once he/she is familiar to calculate using the abacus.
Classes will be conducted with songs and music for children to learn formulae and the multiplication table with fun and ease.

YOUR Child will be able to:
1. Easily perform addition and subtraction
up to 2 digits using the abacus
2. Perform simple mental calculations
3. Be familiar with multiplication of
2 single digits